Your ESD Consultants
Environmentally sustainable development consultants, specialising in sustainability, energy efficiency, and waste management for all types of developments across Australia. We highly value you as our client, and every member of our team is committed to the success of your projects.
Empire Epping | iWolff Atelier
The EcoResults team work across residential, mixed use and commercial projects to deliver services that ensure projects meet Environmentally Sustainable Development criteria. With a wealth of experience and full accreditation, EcoResults are your ESD experts.
Recent Awards
CommendationHeritage ArchitectureD’Estaville2021 Australian Institute of Architects Awards (Vic)
CommendationActivity AreasKnoxia Apartments2019 City of Knox Design and Development Excellence Awards
WinnerSustainable Development AwardThe Quarter Springvale2017 City of Greater Dandenong Sustainability Awards
FinalistSustainable Communities and Environments AwardElenara House2018 Leadership in the Public Sector Awards
FinalistEnvironmental Justice AwardElenara House2018 Premier’s Sustainability Awards
Highly CommendedBest Medium Density and Best Ecologically Sustainable Design19 Holzer Street, Sandringham2014 Bayside Built Environment Awards
WinnerBest of the Best, Most Creative Design, Best New Building8A Iluka Street, Black Rock2014 Bayside Built Environment Awards