ESD Statements

The City of Melbourne, in Clause 22.19 of their planning scheme, require ESD Statements to be produced for a wide variety of residential and commercial developments, to verify that the development meets their Energy, Water and Waste Efficiency guidelines.

The triggers for various types of required assessments and outcomes vary greatly, depending on the scale and type of development. The ESD Statement (Report) may be as minimal as demonstrating that a project will be able to meet the BCA energy efficiency requirements, or it may be as major as demonstrating that the project has the potential to meet a 5 star Green Star rating using a current version of the relevant Green Building Council of Australia's (GBCA) assessment tool.

In almost all cases, a Waste Management Plan demonstrating compliance with the City of Melbourne's Guidelines for Waste Management Plans must also be provided.

Navigating the requirements for your particular project can feel like a bit of a maze, but the reality may be simpler than you expect. Allow us to steer you in the right direction and keep your project on track.