City of Melbourne ESD & WSUD Planning requirements
City of Melbourne now has in place Clauses 22.19 (Energy Water and Waste efficiency) and 22.23 (Stormwater Management) which have specific application requirements for most new residential, commercial and mixed use developments. Depending on the type and size of your development the council may require any of the following:
- A Waste Management Plan (WMP)
- A Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) Response report
- An Environmentally Sustainable Design (ESD) Statement
For many developments, the ESD Statement will need to verify that the proposed development has the preliminary design potential to achieve a certain number of Green Star credits for water efficiency, compliance with the Sustainable Design Scorecard tool, or in larger developments a 5 Green Star rating using the relevant GBCA tool.
Our team of consultants, which includes a Green Star Accredited Professional, will quickly let you know exactly what, if any, ESD, WSUD, Green Travel and Waste reports your development will require. We can help to streamline your project, no matter which Council area you are located in.