

Samuel Thomson


Samuel is a founding Director of EcoResults, with over 20 years’ experience in the planning, design and construction sectors across Australasia, and has direct oversight of EcoResults' ESD and WSUD teams.

Sam is active in CPD and networking in his areas of expertise and is regularly invited to deliver CPD sessions to companies, Councils and industry bodies covering recent developments in ESD, WSUD, Waste and Daylight.

He holds qualifications and certificates in Building Design, Engineering, NatHERS Assessment, Vocational Education and Training, Thermal Performance Assessment, and Building Retrofitting for Sustainability.


Get in touch with Samuel

Steve Clifford


Steve, one of our founding Directors, oversees our Waste Management, Energy, Daylight and Admin teams as well as managing our Solar PV program and our patented Wall Vent Seal product.

Steve completed Business Sustainability Management at the University of Cambridge, and also holds qualifications and certificates in Thermal Performance Assessment, Construction and Home Sustainability Assessment.

Steve has extensive experience in the sustainability and construction/design sectors in the UK, Europe and Australia and is passionate about getting the best results for our clients and the environment.


Talk to Steve today

Kirstie Rogerson

Operations Coordinator

Kirstie has a background in town planning and development administration. She is a BESS Trained Professional and has specialised in Waste Management and ESD Consulting for many years.

Kirstie draws on her experience as she expertly coordinates our team to deliver high quality results on our projects. Kirstie is also in charge of training and professional development, keeping Team EcoResults fully equipped and prepared for anything our clients bring our way!

Get Kirstie's thoughts on your project

Marius Andrasciuc

ESD & WSUD Consultant

Marius is our building approvals expert. He is enthusiastic about sustainability, architecture and getting great results for our clients in as short a time as possible. His motto is "if it's worth doing, it's worth doing properly!"

Marius’s qualifications include an Advanced Diploma in Building Design (Architectural), a Certificate IV in NatHERS Assessment and certification as a BESS Trained Professional. He is an accredited Thermal Performance Assessor with Design Matters, including BASIX Assessments for projects in New South Wales. Marius is also one of our key Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) practitioners, producing scores of WSUD Responses using MUSIC and STORM to complete assessments for projects within Councils all over Melbourne, Victoria and beyond. He gets a real buzz out of finding creative solutions to ESD and WSUD problems on challenging project.

Ask Marius a curly ESD question

Vu Nguyen

ESD Engineer

Vu is a Master of Advanced Materials Engineering who then undertook additional training in the field of ESD. His engineering mindset, discipline and adaptability help him approach any given task with a ‘can do’ attitude. He is enthusiastic about environmental sustainability and is eager to explore how your project can meet or exceed compliance requirements.

Here at EcoResults, Vu expertly undertakes NCC Section J Assessments, JV3 and Daylight Modelling. He finds joy in giving attention to all the many details in modelling construction profiles and making sure you move forward with accurate results that will stand up to the scrutiny of the most eagle-eyed certifier.

Ask Vu an energy or daylight modelling question

Luana Linke

ESD & Waste Mangement Consultant

Luana received training in Building Design before becoming a WM & ESD Consultant. She specialises in all aspects of environmentally sustainable and energy efficient building design and construction and is a BESS Trained Professional.

Types of reports regularly completed by Luana include Sustainable Design Assessments (SDAs), Sustainability Management Plans (SMPs), WSUD Reports and Waste Management Plans (WMPs). Our clients really appreciate Luana's eye for detail and her focus on project specific solutions that meet Council requirements in an efficient, cost effective manner.

Ask Luana an ESD question

Courtland Gavan-Glover

ESD Consultant

Courtland is a qualified as a Building Designer (Architectural) and has had a life-long interest in design. Combined with his love of reading and researching, makes him a highly attentive consultant and a skilled modeller.

Courtland enjoys facing down projects of all sizes and levels of complexity with his signature dry sense of humour and a determination to reach the best outcome for our clients’ designs. He endeavours to make the complex simple with succinct communication and excellent understanding of compliance requirements for ESD, WSUD, NatHERS and Section J.

Chat to Courtland about your ESD requirements