Waste Management Pitfalls to Avoid
Waste management is an essential service but all too often is only considered in detail too late in the design process to achieve the best result. Many local councils have guidelines that need to be complied with, in order to receive Town Planning approval and these then become part of the Conditions of the Planning Permit. Currently, Councils in Melbourne or regional Victoria do not always have consistent expectations, as there are no guidelines that have been published for all councils. With the growth in multi unit developments in and around Melbourne, many Councils now have policies which require waste collection onsite as opposed to at the kerbside. They are also increasingly requesting or even requiring collection by a private contractor instead of the Council themselves.
A hastily designed Waste Room/Facility or poorly written Waste Management Plan at the outset can cause headaches later due to non-compliance with the specific requirements and expectations of the Local Council. Understanding the requirements of your Council early in the design process is essential in avoiding costly delays in the Planning Process.
With an increasing population density, waste disposal can be a costly business; having a system in place that best suits your development, is essential. There is no such thing as one plan that suits all. EcoResults is in regular contact with the Waste Management Officers of most Victorian Councils, who will be assessing your development’s Waste Management Plan and Waste Facility Design, so we tailor the plan to the Local Council’s specific requirements.
EcoResults is not affiliated with and does not recommend any particular waste collection company. Our reports are totally independent – we do not collect waste ourselves or supply bins and services to our clients. This ensures that we can collaborate with the architect to come up with most efficient waste system that meets the needs of your project, Council and budget, without a conflict of interest, rather than a system that suits our product range.
Feel free to drop us a line to get some independent and professional Waste Management advice for your project early in the design process.